In Chants and Song
Return to the Goddess
The preferred method of payment Direct from Desert Wind is by Instant Purchase at PayPal. (For out of U.S.A. sales, please send an email to desertwindmusic@comcast.net.)
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The Return to the Goddess songs:
- From the Goddess
- To the Earth
- Return to the Goddess
- Say Yes to Life
- Reach In
- Dona
- Goddess Dance Cycle: (Hine Matov, Isis-Osiris-Kali-Shiva, From the Goddess)
- I Am
- Earth Mother
- Aids Walk for Life
- With You
Pricing, Shipping & Tax Information:
- Kabbalah Shekhinah: Restoring the Balance $14.99
- World Dance (2 CD Set) $17.99
- Kali Ma: Dances of Transformation $14.99
- Return to the Goddess: In Chants and Song $14.99
- Flute Fest $14.99
- She is a Tree of Life (2 CD Set) $17.99
- Gaia, Earth Goddess: Ritual Dances of the Mother $14.99
- On Wings of Shekhinah $14.99
- Inner Voyage $14.99
- Christmas: Rhythms of the Holy Land $14.99
- The “ORIGINAL” Return to the Goddess $13.99
- CLOSEOUT! All Cassettes (Kali, Gaia, Return, Shekhina) $3.00
Shipping and Handling Charges:
$ 0.01 – 9.99 $ 1.75
$ 10.00 – 49.99 $ 3.70
$ 50.00 – 99.99 $ 7.80
$ 100.00 – 199.99 $ 10.00
$ 200.00 – $ 17.00
Sales tax for Utah residents only is calculated as required by law, and paid by Desert Wind.
Please Email Desert Wind for Overseas Pricing.
Checks for the full amount, including shipping may be sent to: Desert Wind Music, P.O. Box 3722, Salt Lake City, UT 84110-3722

Alan Scott Bachman
Mary Williams
Rajab Juma
"The Original"
Return to the Goddess by Desert Wind
This recording had never been released on CD until the Fall of 2004, yet it had been ordered “by the hundreds” by dance instructors and their students as a cassette since originally released in the 1980’s. Alan happened to “find” the original DAT tape, and as cassettes have been essentially replaced by CDs, well, Alan decided to release this CD for Desert Wind fans who just won’t let go of the request for this music.
Alan had to actually borrow a copy of the original cassette from Thia in order to list the songs as they were originally known.
This CD is now available through the Desert Wind Website for die hard Desert Wind fans.
Reviews On Album
Our Success Stories
"This group just keeps getting better and better!
PJ's Picks "New Age Music News & Reviews" by PJ Birosik
"New Thought and the Goddess religion unite on an album brimming with passion and life. Through well-written holistic lyrics and chants, the group creates a vibrant aural environment suitable for ritual dancing or energizing activities. Lead singers Kathryn Warner and Kristen Gygi spread the word over a delicious tribal fusion created primarily by the multi-talented Alan Bachman. Infectious world rhythms underscore the fact that Goddess worship thrived around the globe for thousands of years before the Crone was dethroned by the age of separation . . . so the listener can also celebrate the feminine reawakening. Highly recommended."
AMG EXPERT REVIEW: This group just keeps getting better and better. The duo sound like they were meant to sing together from the cradle, and the material continues to honor and revere the Goddess in her many forms, with her many names. They include Z. Budapest's "From the Goddess" chant, which anyone who's attended a women's spirituality gathering would probably recognize, as well as the life-affirming "Say Yes to Life" and the amazing "Goddess Dance Cycle." The music is a bit more acoustic in feeling, with lots of percussion, while maintaining the contemporary feel of the earlier recordings. ~ Ladyslipper, All Music Guide
"[Desert Wind] continues to honor and revere the Goddess. They include Z. Budapest's, from The Goddess Chant, which anyone who's attended a women's spirituality gathering would probably recognize, and the amazing Goddess Dance Cycle. The music is a bit more acoustic in feeling, with lots of percussion, while maintaining the contemporary feel of the earlier recordings.
Highly recommended!" ~as reviewed by Music by Design
DESERT WIND Return to the Goddess (ASB) "New Thought and the Goddess religion unite on an album brimming with passion and life. Through well-written holistic lyrics and chants, the group creates a vibrant aural environment suitable for ritual dancing or energizing activities. Lead singers Kathryn Warner and Kristen Gygi spread the word over a delicious tribal fusion created primarily by the multi-talented Alan Bachman. Infectious world rhythms underscore the fact that Goddess worship thrived around the globe for thousands of years before the Crone was dethroned by the age of separation . . . so the listener can also celebrate the feminine reawakening. Highly recommended."