Desert Wind Music


From the Album

Return to the Goddess

Return to the Goddess

As a baby inside the womb, a calm joy was all I knew
All my senses felt the love
Of the Goddess we’re all from
Of the earth, moon and sun
**Feel Her Love.**

The world “Alone” had no meaning then
No one to teach me what it meant
I spoke and received through the highest means
Messages stir the amniotic sea
At one with the Goddess that created me
**Feel Her Love.**

In the music is hidden the secret
Of what we’re made of, and the moon above
The spiral of the ancients
Sends me within for eternal love.

Enter your kiva of plenty
In the dark the rhythm sends you soaring like a dove
As the Earth Mother lent you her matter
That you may leave her womb – The gift of freedom is love.

As a young one in society
I learned of a joy outside of me
It’s money, marriage, status, kids, a new TV
The separation pains won’t let me be
Something’s missing that I cannot see
**Where’s the love?**

The full moon shines upon my mid-life state
The pain remain to suggest my fate
I choose my beliefs and my destiny
The separation was created by me
I can always find the music and the harmony
**Where’s the love?**

Looking back, I can see how it began
From parent to child for generations
An innocent lie to find a covenant
We created a God to make a final judgment
When unconditional love is the Mother Goddess
**Return in Love!**

As the new moon approaches to shade my way
The end of a cycle leaves me old and grey
The matter returns to the earth mother
For another purpose, another day
For death is life in a cyclical way
**Return in Love!**

Music and Lyrics
(C)(P) Alan Scott Bachman

Say Yes to Life

(Please note that the lyrics and music to “Say Yes to Life” were written by Alan Scott Bachman in 1989. They are added to this web page October 13, 2010 in CELEBRATION of the rescue of 33 miners in Chile from the depths of this Earth. It’s like these words were wriiten for this incredible day!)

Say Yes to Life – Celebrate the Earth
Say Yes to Life – Celebrate Your Birth
Say Yes to Life – Let the Love Flow
Say Yes to Life – Let the World Know
My Love – All that is Given
Life is worth Livin’ – It is all within
My heart – Feels the Joy in
The World we are Sharin’ – The one we are Mirrorin’

Say Yes to Life – Join with One and All
Say Yes to Life – Listen to the Universal Call
Say Yes to Life – What you Say Comes True
Say Yes to Life – Say it in Everything You Do

My Love – All that is Given
Life is worth Livin’ – It is all within
My heart – Feels the Joy in
The World we are Sharin’ – The one we are Mirrorin’

Watch the Earth Transform – Cleansed like a Newborn
Light up the World with Dance and Song
Envision a Peace that will last long!

Say Yes to Life – Celebrate the Earth
Say Yes to Life – Celebrate Your Birth
Say Yes to Life – Let the Love Flow
Say Yes to Life – Let the World Know
Say Yes to Life – Join with One and All
Say Yes to Life – Listen to the Universal Call

Music and Lyrics
(C)(P) Alan Scott Bachman

From the Goddess

We all come from the Goddess
and to Her we shall return
Like a drop of rain
Flowing to the ocean.***

Isis Astarte Diana Hecate
Demeter Kali Inanna
Goddess is alive, music is afoot.**

(C)(P) Alan Scott Bachman
*** (Zsuzsanna E. Budapest)

Earth Mother

Earth mother – great spririt within me.
Earth mother – bless us with peace
Earth mother- we are your family
With thanksgiving – we care for thee.

For I am one with all
As her spirit flows through my soul
For peace is all I know
In perfect faith – I let it go.

Earth mother – great goddess so gracious
Earth mother – your life is our light
Earth mother – the light of our oneness
With Thanksgiving – your family unites.

Music and Lyrics
(C)(P) Alan Scott Bachman

From the Album

Gaia, Earth Goddess

Gaia, Earth Goddess

The Earth is my Body
Her Water is my Blood
Her Winds are my Breath
Her Fire is my Spirit
Gaia, Earth Goddess

Music and Lyrics
(C)(P) Alan Scott Bachman

From the Album

Kali Ma: Dances of Transformation

Moon Goddess

Goddess of Moonlight
Dancer of our Night
Giver of all Life
Blessed Be.
Grand Mother of One and All
Your Wisdom, Universe-All.

Music and Lyrics
(C)(P) Alan Scott Bachman

From the Album

Kabbalah Shekhinah

Olam Haba (World to Come)

After Twilight, Stars Glow Above
Dancer Of Heaven, Dancer Of Love
Peace Is Your Presence, What We Dream Of
Shekhina – K’Dushah

Goddess Of Heaven, Goddess Of Earth
Mother Of All Life, Mother The First
Bring On The Sabbath, Goddess Of Birth
Shekhina – K’Dushah

Fly With The Angles, Come To Us Now
Bring Us A New Life, Heavenly Sounds
We Will Live In Peace, You’ll Show Us How
Shekhina – K’Dushah

Holy Of Holies, From Whence You Came
Return With Your Light, Restore Your Name
Balance Our World, Let Angles Proclaim
Shekhina – K’Dushah

Beauty Of Bright Stars, Sun And Moonlight
The Song Of Songs Serenades You This Night
Mountains Of Myrrh Are Your Sacred Site
Shekhina – K’Dushah

Waves Of Pure Passion, As Lovers Unite
On Fields Of Flowers And Lilies So White
Your Magic Gardens, Our Earthly Delight
Shekhina – K’Dushah

Roses Bloom
In Colors Of You
Beautiful Shekhina

Willows Wave
Call Out Your Name
Magical Shekhina

Heavens Spring
Waters Of Life
Flow From Our –

Daughter, Bride,
Sister, Mother
Holy One Shekhina

You’re The Key
Divine Mystery
Complete Thy Name –

Wings Of Peace
Soar With The Doves
Fly With Us –

As Below Shall
Be As Above
Come To Us Shekhina

As Above Shall
Be As Below
Kabbalah Shekhina

There’s A Star
For Every Flower
Heavenly Shekhina

Goddess Shekhina
Holy One Shekhina
Beautiful Shekhina
Joyful Shekhina
Come With Peace
Come Shekhina
Come With Joy
Oh Come Our Bride

Peace Unto You Shekhina
Peace To All The World
Welcoming The Sabbath
The World To Come

Divine One – Shekhina
Our Heart’s Song – Shekhina
For So Long – Shekhina
One Heart – One Love

Radiant – Shekhina
Brilliant – Shekhina
Exultant – Shekhina
Our Heart – Our Love

Music and Lyrics
(C)(P) Alan Scott Bachman


There is a woman
Who weaves the night sky
See what she spins, how her fingers fly.
She is within us, beginning to end
Our grandmother, our sister, our friend.

She is the needle, and we are the thread
She is the weaver and we are the web.
We are the flow, and we are the ebb
We are the weavers, and we are the web.

She changes everything she touches
And everything She touches changes.

Weave on, weave on,
Weave on, Spiderwoman.

Music and Lyrics
(C)(P) Alan Scott Bachman

(This chant is a composite of
“Changing Woman” by Adele Getty, “We are the Flow” by Shekhinah Mountainwater, “She Changes” by Starhawk, and “Weave On” by Desert Wind.)

From the Album

World Dance ( 2 CD Set)


Sarasvati – dance through eternity
Sarasvati – grand river that flows through me
For the arts – embrace the earth’s prayers
Create our world – as each dawn near
Divine wisdom – flows like your sacred streams
Of healing wave forms
Fulfill our dreams, fulfill our dreams
Sarasvati – Goddess of earth and sea
Sarasvati – your rhythms impassion me
Drumming hands – send forth one sound
Through all your lands- Great Mother abounds
With many names – throughout all nations
It’s all the same source of creation
Sarasvati – your truth will set us free
Sarasvati – wat the world with harmony
Our hearts beat – songs of the mother
One family – sisters and brothers
Enlight our path – that we may rise above
A violent past – that give way to pure love.

Music and Lyrics
(C)(P) Alan Scott Bachman

Mother of Light

Mother, I cry to you
Please make my dreams come true
Mother of Light, be my star this night
Help me to see my path
Guide me through all that’s passed
Mother of Light, be my star this night
Mother, I still see you
Mother, I still need you
Hold me, through the dark night
Hear my heart’s song, through the moon’s light
Mother of Light
Be my star, hear my song this night
Your spirit fill the air, Your presence everywhere
Mother of Light, be my star this night
Your love does set me free
No fear will limit me
Mother of Light, be my star this night

Music and Lyrics
(C)(P) Alan Scott Bachman

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Desert Wind Music


Desert Wind Music